Four Responsibilities of a Disciple - Booklet Published

As they say in Hebrew, Baruch Hashem! Or “Bless God!” We are so excited! We are pleased to announced that the Father has allowed us to release our first printed material! It is a seventy-five page booklet I wrote entitled, The Four Responsibilities of a Disciple. Over two years of studying, observing, implementing and writing has finally began to bear some tangible fruit which can help others on their path to becoming a Disciple of Yeshua (Jesus). We have already received an overwhelming response with our announcement of its release on Facebook. This booklet is a pre-release teaser of sorts previewing some of the key concepts that will appear in my forthcoming book on discipleship (which is still in the process of being written). We will soon have this product available in our online store.

The main reason this booklet was published is that we found many people in need of a hands-on resource which they could use for both inspiration and reference in regard to personal transformation in the area of discipleship. This will be a tool which will help reinforce the principles being presented at our lectures on discipleship.

The second reason for its publication is that we wanted to create an awareness of and an anticipation towards the future release of the actual book (which will contain much more material). We are hoping we will find people who would like to see this work completed and are willing to invest in its completion.

This work first defines the concept of a "disciple" and "discipleship" from a first century, Jewish perspective. From there I present each of what I consider the four primary responsibilities of a disciple, dedicating one chapter to each responsibility. It is a concise and eye-opening look at discipleship from the perspective of BECOMING disciple, rather than speaking of discipleship in terms of evangelism.

Be sure to look for it in our store in the next couple of weeks (we are not making it available at this time because we can't fill orders while away on our speaking tour). We will also have discounts for bulk orders of 10 or more. Please contact us if you would like to know about quantity discounts. It would be a great gift for your friends, your relatives, small group leader and even your pastor or Sunday School teacher. 

We hope you enjoy The Four Responsibilities of a Disciple and share the concepts found in it with others. We pray this is the first of many resources we will have in the future which will help challenge Believers to become Disciples, and Disciples to become better equipped.

Thank you for your prayers & support which allowed this publication to come into existence!
